ALONSO GONZALEZ, JOAQUIN EVEREST, S.A. Ref. 9788424104566 Altres llibres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres llibres del mateix autor
    This book describes Spain’s magnificent Silver Route, one of the most important itineraries in the country’s rich artistic and monumental cultural heritage. Dating back to the Roman era, this road linked the cities of Mérida and Astorga. Throughout the course of history, all the different Spanish ci...
    Ancho: 120 cm Largo: 225 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    • ISBN : 978-84-241-0456-6
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2003
    • Any d'edició : 2003
    • Idioma : CASTELLANO
    • Nº de pàgines : 360
    • Col·lecció : VISITA
    This book describes Spain’s magnificent Silver Route, one of the most important itineraries in the country’s rich artistic and monumental cultural heritage. Dating back to the Roman era, this road linked the cities of Mérida and Astorga. Throughout the course of history, all the different Spanish civilizations traveled this route. In spite of its indisputable historical and cultural interest, the present guide is the first of its type of offer detailed information to tourists wishing to follow this historical route.
    This guide, the result of intensive and exhaustive fieldwork, aims to provide a detailed look at the route, including milestones, remains of flagstones and inns that marked the road, and historic bridges and settlements, all of which are carefully described and recorded. In addition, two new milestones, discovered by our team, and which had previously not been recorded, are included in the book. Our research work has also allowed us to produce maps of each segment of the road, created using the GPS satellite system. In addition, the guide offers an overview of the rich cultural and monumental heritage of the regions through which the route passes, including information on ethnology, gastronomy, and folklore. All this is complemented by over 400 color photographs and presented in a practical clear plastic box with a separate pouch for maps.

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