The book narrates the founding and distancing of two cities which extend along both sides of a river: The city of Dor, inhabited by a light haired people, and the city of Eus, inhabited by dark skinned people.
Although the cities are so close to each other, there is no communication between them. There is misunderstanding and even rivalry and hate between them.
The story is divided into two parts. The first part tells how these two cities came to life thanks to two characters who were essentially the same. They were two dear friends who looked for a place to undertake their work and fulfill their dreams. They found a beautiful valley which they both loved. After having collaborated with each other for many years, after marrying twin sisters, they grew apart and ended up becoming enemies. Even the bridge which used to connect them is more or less in ruins.
The second part of the story tells about the relationship between a young fisherman and a young reader. Each one of these characters starts doing what they like on either side of the bridge.
This text points at the difference in attitude of fear and bitterness as seen in adults, and is contrasted with the way of children, who guide themselves by noble sentiment and what they love.